The Nest is a cosy, nurturing hub for you and your child.
Offering you Steiner-inspired learning through play.

The Nest

The Nest was created to support you on your parenting journey. Creativity and compassion lie at the heart of everything we do.

Our sessions take place in a magical space at the Soul Wellness Hub, near Sowerby Bridge. We have a beautifully furnished room, created for imaginative play and learning.

Within this space, there is a delightful play area equipped with Steiner Waldorf toys, a play kitchen, a small library, a home corner for role play and a dressing up area.

Our sessions

On Mondays, we run a 'Parent & Child' session, which is inspired by the Steiner Waldorf philosphy. (More information about these sessions below...)

We also run parenting workshops and host talks by guest speakers on a range of subjects related to health, wellbeing and the family.

The room is open at various times through the week, with sessions being offered by a range of practitioners. For more information about the sessions they offer, visit The Soul Wellness Hub.

Parenting coaching

Through my consultancy, Star Apple, I offer a fully personalised coaching accompaniment.

I work in depth with children who have:

💛 Physical disabilities

💛 Autism (wherever they are on the spectrum)


💛 Behavioural challenges

💛 Find themselves struggling in their home and/or at school.

"Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom."


'Parent & Child' sessions

Steiner-inspired play sessions

We hold parent & child sessions every Monday.

🌞 Open to babies and children from 0 - 3 years.

🌞 Sessions times: 12pm - 1:30pm

The cost is £12 per session, and this includes a drink on arrival and a light snack for our shared meal.

We ask that you commit to a 6 week package of sessions. This helps us to plan and gives you and your child continuity. If you would like to try a taster session first, you can book a single session.

Please book in advance as places are limited.

Click HERE to book your taster session.

Click HERE to book your block of 6 sessions.

Gently structured to support you

'Parent & child' sessions offer you and your child a supportive and nurturing space.

These sessions are a wonderful introduction to Steiner’s principles of how we can look after our young children, with confidence and curiosity.

The sessions follow a gentle structure that includes tea for parents on arrival, with time to talk and get to know each other.

Children play freely, which helps to build their awareness. We then end the session with seasonal songs, rhymes and story-telling.

Hi, I'm Shira

I am a Steiner-trained teacher and I’m passionate about supporting you on your parenting journey.

I have worked as an early year's practitioner in a variety of positions. Through the years, I have supported families and children in school and home settings.

Parenting workshops

I facilitate and lead unique parenting workshops that aim to cultivate and promote happier, healthier home environments.

My methods encompass a plethora of methods involving humour, playfulness and magical interactions with children.

Upcoming events

Date to be confirmed - please register your interest HERE

"An Introduction to Creative Discipline"

🙁 Are you feeling challenged by your child's behaviour?

🙁 Is your child struggling to listen to you?

🙁 Do they have frequent meltdowns?

💕 Don't worry - you are not alone!

This workshop will provide you with a range of tools to help cultivate a more harmonious atmosphere at home.

10 places available. £12 per person / £16 per couple. Includes tea and cake!

Magical birthday parties

A birthday to remember

Celebrating your child's birthday is an opportunity to create beautiful and magical memories.

Yet kid's parties often turn into an extravaganza of noise, ballons and sugar! And we miss the opportunity to be fully present with our child.

The Nest offers magical birthday parties that honour your child's place in the world.

Reverance & awe

Our Steiner-inspired birthday parties mark this special occasion with beauty, reverance and wonder 😊

I host the party for you, carefully shaping the event around your child. We sing songs and play games, and we share a special birthday story that is customised to suit your child.

And yes, we do still have cake!

Small & intimate

We have a maximum of 8 children and parents at our parties. This creates a cosy, intimate atmosphere.

You will have exclusive use of the venue.

The Nest is available for party bookings on Saturdays and Sundays, between 11am and 5pm.

Prices & booking

Party bookings cost £120 for a 2 hour session. This is for up to 8 children and parents.

The party package includes vegetarian food & drink, and you can bring your own birthday cake.

We require a £50 deposit (non-refundable). Full payment, with confirmation of numbers, is required 7 days before the event.

Get in touch

Please email your party request to: [email protected]

Room rental

Are you therapist or children's specialist?

Our lovely room is available to rent for sessions and workshops with guest speakers, specialists, play workers, artists and therapists.

If you would like to run a session, or you are looking for a child-friendly space from which to practice, please contact The Soul Wellness Hub.

We can also help plan, advertise and sell tickets for your event.

Contact Shira for more information:

[email protected]

tel : 07702 074345

email: [email protected]

address: The Soul Wellness Hub, Burnley Road, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 2TL